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Energy Saving HVAC: A Step-by-Step Guide

Beat the Heat this Summer with These Energy-Saving HVAC Tips

Summertime is a time filled with sunshine, outdoor activities, and outdoor entertaining! However, it can also be when electric bills spike due to running the cooling system 24/7. Fortunately, with a little effort and know-how, you can keep your home cool without emptying your wallet. Read on to get some excellent tips on how to beat the heat this summer with energy-saving HVAC tips. Consulting a  licensed air conditioning contractor can also be beneficial to ensure that all of your cooling systems are running properly and efficiently.

1. Keep Your Air Filter Clean

Keeping the air filter in your HVAC system clean will help maintain efficient airflow. Dirty filters reduce airflow and force the system to work harder to circulate air, resulting in higher energy usage. Besides, a clean air filter will help maintain good air quality and prevent respiratory issues caused by dirty air filters.

2. Temperature Regulation

Most people think setting the thermostat at extremely low temperatures will make their home cooler faster, but it drains energy and overworks the system. It’s essential to maintain an optimal temperature of around 78°F during the day and 70°F during the night. You don’t need to endure the extra heat in the summer. You can still keep the temperature comfortable and regulate energy consumption by using programmable thermostats.

3. Check for Drafts

Seal any noticeable gaps around doors and windows to prevent warm and cool air escaping. This process is also essential for reducing your home’s carbon footprint. Drafts can waste anywhere from 5% to 30% of your energy, depending on the size of your home and the number of drafts you have.

4. Keep Your System Well-Maintained

Regular HVAC maintenance helps keep your system running effectively and efficiently. Clean your outdoor condenser unit of any leaves or debris, as this will reduce airflow and lead to higher energy bills. Besides, dirt and debris can harm your HVAC system, resulting in costly repairs. A professional HVAC technician will clean your system’s components, perform regular inspections and tune-ups and optimize your system for peak performance.

5. Make Use of Ceiling Fans

There is no doubt about the benefits of ceiling fans. They help to circulate cool air around the house and can lower the feel of the temperature by an additional four degrees. By doing so, they help to reduce the dependence on air conditioning, thus saving energy and money on bills.

Taking some simple steps can save you a boatload of money by reducing energy costs without leaving you sweating in the summer heat. Keeping your air filter clean, maintaining optimal temperatures, checking for drafts, maintaining your HVAC system, and using your ceiling fans are good ways to keep you cool. You don’t want to be caught off guard with a massive utility bill this summer. Follow these tips to keep your home and wallet comfortable all season long. To learn more about energy-saving HVAC tips or to schedule a professional inspection, contact your local HVAC technician today.

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