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Evaluations Of Arboricultural Impact

Evaluations Of Arboricultural Impact

Arborist Reports

Arborist Reports, also known as Tree Reports, are used to determine the tree’s condition. These reports are prepared by our AQF Level 5-Arborists. The arboricultural reports address issues such as damage, defects, disease, or mechanical injury. It will provide recommendations that may include recommendations for remediation, pest and disease treatment, or pruning.

The following are typical reports:

Arboricultural Impact Assessment Report (AIA).

Arborist reports can be used as legal documents and are able to be presented in court, if necessary. Because they are tailored to each project’s site and timeline, there are many types of level 5 Arborist reports. These situations include development sites, tree risk assessment requirements, heritage, and culturally sensitive areas, as well as data analysis and data collection.

Who Can Write Arborist Reports

The qualifications of the arborists who produce reports for councils are very strict. They require a minimum AQF level 5 Arborist Qualification in most cases. When a council requests to remove or prune a tree, it may require an arborist report. If the tree’s condition is not known, the council may deny the application. In these cases, they may request a report from an AQF Level-5 Arborist.

Why Do You Need A Arborist Report?

Council requires Arborist reports to be completed for any planning process. They are vital to the integrity and viability of your project. The specific circumstances and any associated Council or Government requirements will determine the type of Arborist Report. People working on your project may damage or remove trees or habitats without the Arborist report’s recommendations. These actions can not only delay or result in costly fines, but they may also negatively affect the ecosystem of your site. This could lead to more serious issues and consequences for the integrity and future success of your site. True science is the Arboricultural Specialists that can quickly track development proposals and site outcomes requirements through all stages of a project. They also provide detailed Arboricultural Reports.

The Important Of the Arborist Report?

Arborist Reports include detailed information about the health and condition of trees, as well as any suggestions. These reports are used to support Council and tree owners in determining what mitigation measures may be required. These reports may be used to issue permits for work. Most councils require an arborist report to support any proposed tree work on heritage areas or large trees.

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