Now, more than any other point in history, we are being made aware of the impact climate change is having on the planet. With climate change worsening year on year and experts giving worrying predictions, people are looking for ways to live cleaner, more sustainable lifestyles. For the majority of us, we spend most of our time at home. As a result, any changes to live in a more environmentally friendly way should start there. Today we are going to offer a guide to creating a more eco friendly home.

Creating an Environmentally Friendly House

In 2022, there are a number of quick and easy ways to create a more eco friendly home. It is important that we all make a collective effort to live more sustainably, as this is the quickest way to reduce our harmful impact on the planet.

Explore Renewable Energy Options for Electricity

In this country, the vast majority of households obtain their energy from non-sustainable sources. With developments in the renewable energy sector happening consistently, it is now realistic for homeowners to heat and power their homes in environmentally friendly ways. Although solar panels thrive in warmer climates, it is still possible for homeowners in the UK to integrate them into their homes. Solar panels provide a cleaner way for property owners to generate electricity for their homes. Many people are often surprised to find out that the generation of electricity for the grid still produces carbon emissions. If you are looking to use energy that is not derived from burning fossil fuels, there are a wealth of options available today. In the next few years, this is likely to increase too.

Invest In Eco Friendly Home Products

There are a lot of opportunities around the home to create a more sustainable lifestyle. In light of the rise in awareness of climate change, companies are searching for ways to better everyday products. Whether it is the product itself or the way in which it is manufactured, corporations are looking to streamline the process and create products that are more environmentally friendly. This means you, the consumer, have plenty of options. Some examples of the types of products that now have eco friendly alternatives include:

1. Toilet Paper

We all use toilet paper, and often lots of it. The production of toilet paper is, however, extremely harmful for the environment. Copious trees are cut down by toilet paper manufacturers, and tonnes of water is needed everyday. In light of this, companies, such as Panda Soft, have seen a gap in the market for more sustainable toilet paper products. Panda Soft, for example, sells bamboo toilet paper that is sustainably sourced and uses a cleaner, more environmentally friendly production process.

2. Toothbrush

On the topic of bamboo, there is now a wealth of toothbrush alternatives available made from bamboo. Bamboo is considered to be a sustainable and environmentally friendly product as it grows quickly and does not require much for growth. Typically, toothbrushes are made from plastic which has a damaging knock on effect for our planet’s ecosystems and wildlife. Investing in an eco friendly toothbrush alternative can have a hugely positive impact collectively.

3. Plastic Alternatives

Whether it is a water bottle, a coffee cup or shopping bags, there are alternatives to almost any plastic product we regularly use. Sidestepping our reliance on plastic is a huge step in the right direction, and will make a substantial difference to the environment. There are a number of ways we can combat plastic usage. Milk can be delivered to certain homes in glass bottles, plastic water bottles can be swapped for metal ones.

4. Cleaning Products

Our homes and the rooms we inhabit require constant cleaning. A lot of mainstream cleaning products, however, are harmful to the environment and the planet’s biodiversity. Detergents, for example, are particularly harmful. There are multiple vendors on the market today selling eco friendly cleaning alternatives. Moreover, there are ways you can create cleaning products yourself with a few basic ingredients. Lemon and white vinegar, for example, can be combined to make a fantastic all purpose cleaning spray.

Eat Less Meat

In 2022, the vast majority of us have a wealth of meat alternative choices. There has been a huge rise in the number of people opting to follow a vegan or vegetarian diet. As the percentage of people eating less meat rises, the impact on the planet is lessened. The production and delivery of meat is a huge contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. If you are looking to find ways to provide a positive environmental contribution as a household, you may wish to cut back on your meat consumption.